
來源:花橋金融外包研究中心-20130221 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2013年02月27日
Bulgaria is attractive offshoring and outsourcing destination for the pharmaceutical sector
Investbg | Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Bulgaria is again among the stars in the offshoring and outsourcing industry, this time as a popular destination for the pharmaceutical sector.
This is the opinion of experts in the yearbook of the British National Outsourcing Association (NOA).
The country, together with a number of Central European markets continue to attract companies from the pharmaceutical industry with the "multiple benefits" which the region and the individual countries offer.
本文鏈接:http://m.qfhuilinzy.com.cn/Article/20130227/1791.html 點(diǎn)擊復(fù)制鏈接

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